Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Have You Unconditionally Helped Someone Lately & Made a Difference to their Day?

A Friendly Gesture !!
Something happened a couple of days ago which left me quite reflective in mood, and which I felt that I needed to share...

I had been to town with my daughter to do some shopping, it was Sunday and everywhere was closing and we had just been for something to eat and drink before we set off for home.  A woman came up to me and said, “would you mind if I asked you something?” to which I replied, “no of course not” she smiled and seemed happy and asked me if there was anywhere open where she could go as she had about an hour and a half to pass before she got her train back to London (we were in Middlesbrough and London is approximately 350 miles away). I explained about everywhere closing early on a Sunday as she was wondering why everywhere was closed and not many people about. I explained that there were a couple of pubs close by where she could get something to eat and drink and that she could pass the time and which were also not far from the railway station.  I then said that we were heading that way and she could come with us and we would show her where the pubs where.

Although we were complete strangers, we seemed to be at ease with each other and began to chat about ourselves. I learned from her, that her name was Sam, as she introduced herself to us and shook our hands.  She had travelled down on her own to attend an Absailing/Bungee jumping event from the Transporter bridge (a well-known local landmark in this area )  
..and that she was doing this for charity, she stated that she had pledged to raise £100 for a charity for children with Leukaemia (CLIC Sargent) but had only raised a small amount and had put the rest in herself,  she was smiling all the time, but laughed as she stated that at the time of the ‘event’  she was very scared (not her exact words lol!) She was 27 years old and stated that she was originally from Iran.  My daughter and I were very interested in what she had to say, as she spoke proudly about her country and her family.  She also expressed a keen interest in how my daughter looked with her distinct look of partly shaved head on both sides and two-tone hair, with piercings and tattoos, as Sam explained that she herself, is quite independent and loves a challenge and loves to travel.  

She was also dressed in western style clothing of casual trousers and jacket, but then politely explained about the Islamic rules of clothing for women. This then led to an interesting mutual conversation of how we all come from very different cultural backgrounds and yet we are all human beings with a right to be as individual as we choose to be, and how we should not judge people from how they look.
Before we knew it, time had passed and we each had to go our own ways, but before she left, she asked if she could hug us, and thanked us for being so kind to take the time to talk to her and help her, and we agreed that this does not always happen in this day and age as some people are either too busy or to suspicious to help or even just to talk to a fellow human being especially when they are on their own in an unfamiliar environment!!! As she looked me in the eyes, she smiled and said to me “I can see that you have soul” I felt surprised and somewhat humbled as I smiled back and said “thank you”

I don’t really know what anyone else will make of this ‘meeting’ but my daughter and I were talking about how ‘random’ this was ... I felt really affected by what had happened, and I always believe that there are reasons for everything! I kept thinking about this when I was at home, which then made me think of another lady I had heard about online who was from Iran (I think!!) a well respected motivational speaker named ‘Ellie Drake’ I checked out her site on line again, and was surprised to read that ‘she speaks from her soul’ ... I then decided to join her online community ‘BraveHeart Women Global Community’ which is something I can relate to and respect.

This random meeting certainly stopped me in my tracks, and made me think deeply about how we all connect as human beings and how a smile and a few kind words can really make a difference to someone’s day ...  


Thursday, 22 July 2010

Overcoming Adversity

Hey check out this great video, think it's a great 'antidote' to my last post lol! Another little gem I found through courtesy of Kellie Hosaka's site ... so thanks again Kellie

Monday, 14 June 2010

Online Network Marketing / Information Overload!! - Want to know how I dealt with it ?


YOU’VE HEARD OF R&R (Rest &Recuperation) WELL HERE’S MY R&V (Rant & Vent)

What prompted me to do this ‘alternative’ post was thinking about a patient I was working with a couple of weeks ago.  He was working in a computer session and decided to put his heartfelt emotions down onto the screen.  He did this in a very large font size and in a bold print (as if he was shouting!!)  It left nothing to the imagination as he described some of his fellow peers, staff members and his consultant psychiatrist in a less than flattering light.  Now I know this might seem unprofessional of me, but I could not help but laugh when I read it (bearing in mind this was not in the presence of the patient or any others, as another staff member had saved it and printed off a copy for me to read and for me to act on).  
I initially thought it was perhaps inappropriate and disrespectful, but then as I heard from the staff member that the patient had been laughing to himself as he typed away on the computer... and no-one had been physically hurt, I began to think that maybe this had acted as a form of therapy for him!!  As I was aware that not too far away, another patient was ‘kicking off’ quite aggressively with the potential of hurting himself and many others...hmmm! so which was the better way of the two options to vent  frustration? 
And now for something completely different
So here goes with my official Rant & vent ....    

Wednesday, 9 June 2010


Hey there,

Whilst chillin!  (just taking a break from study lol!)  having a cuppa and a 'sarnie' and listening to one of my favourite singers Jack Johnson, I stumbled across this singer (I think Jack J is singing along with him) his name is Donavon Frankenreiter (hope I got that right) and I thought it was a really cool song and video with a really relevant title and just felt like I had to share it ... so check it out and see what you think! it's got me dreaming and planning again ...so I'm going to check out some more of his music and enjoy the pleasant distraction for a while before I get back to my 'studying' and my plans for freedom!! :)

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

A Great Day With Friends

Hi there,

Just thought I'd share this picture and explain the story behind it.  This was taken a few years ago when Ged (my husband) and I had recently joined a local family bike club, and were attending our first rally.  Ged had bought his dream bike a Harley Davidson, and in a local pub one night we got talking to friends and fellow bikers and decided to join the newly formed bike club called Estonians Motorcycle Club.  This was named after the small village called Eston near Middlesbrough, where most of the members are from. They are all a great bunch of people who aim to raise the profile and image of bikers, and consist of people of all ages and from all walks of life.  The group does a lot to raise money for various local charities, and the main aim is for everyone to have fun whilst enjoying their shared passion of motorcycling.  This is carried out via many runs out, nights out and organised rallies and weekends and holidays away.

This was our first rally which was held in a local farmers field (courtesy of the farmer) we had a huge marquee
with a number of bands playing throughout the night, a couple of burger stands, and stands selling various merchandise.  There was also a huge bonfire, and of course numerous tents for all the fellow bikers attending.  The atmosphere was amazing!! and what a great weekend it was.

Many people have a negative image of bikers, probably because of the way they are sometimes portrayed in the media as 'rough and ready troublemakers' yet for all the people who attended this rally, and there were many, from young children upto some people even in their seventies!! this was not the case, there was not any trouble at all, and everyone was friendly, just enjoying their time socialising, drinking and dancing until the early hours, and also enjoying pre-arranged 'games' throughout the weekend.  Another highlight of the weekend, is that all the bikers would then be led by a police escort through the various local towns, now that was a sight worth seeing and even better being a part of it.

In the picture above, I am to the very left of the picture, wearing my Harley Davidson t-shirt with pride, and Ged is to the far right of the picture, and our great friends are in between. What makes me laugh about this as I look at the picture, is that we all  watched and laughed in amazement as we watched our friends Val and Nigel setting up their tent .... blow up airbed arrived, then the quilt and many pillows, then they put fairy lights up around the outside of their tent ... so funny!! but there's more to come if you notice in the picture.....the table came out plus a fancy table cloth, bottle of wine, and then a potted plant haha! hilarious,  bearing in mind we were 'roughing it' camping out in a farmers field.  Then what got everyone's vote of approval was the huge pan of curry she had prepared for everyone (well those in our group anyway) with relevant pots pans and cutlery.

What a fantastic weekend we had, we made many new friends and this was just the start of many great times we have had, and hope to still have ... what great memories!!   I hope to share more with you soon. :)

Friday, 14 May 2010

Standing On The Shoulders Of Giants

 Here's another great article I found from a fellow 'twitter' MarcJ Ward

Standing On The Shoulders Of Giants


Just been checking out my twitter site and found this great article and video which I thought I would share, check it out and see what you think :)

DrivinMedia Think your business doesn't need social media? Think again. Check out this blog post! http://ow.ly/1KFIW

Sunday, 2 May 2010

Want to know about Financial Education? - Then listen to Robert and Kim Kiyosaki

Hi there,

I thought it was about time I added some valuable educational content on this blog, and since I began to read the words of wisdom from Robert Kiyosaki of Rich Dad Poor Dad fame, I have been  greatly influenced by what he has to say and he has inspired me to take the steps to achieve the life of my choosing ... check out the links and articles I've added below, and judge for youself ...

theRealKiyosaki The most important event I have EVER put on... http://ow.ly/1AP4l
theRealKiyosaki Gotta listen to Tom http://ow.ly/1y5ot


Tuesday, 20 April 2010


Here's another feelgood video from 'Playing for Change - Peace through Music' - Enjoy !!


Here's another great song from the 'Playing for Change' people with another great message that I'd like to share:)

'Ukele's for Peace' video

I have been listening to some great 'feel-good' songs on videos from 'Playing for Peace' with such inspirational messages, check this one out, it talks about how children across the world are being trained to act as soldiers and use weapons!!  whereas the message in the video aims to get children laughing, singing and playing together with Ukeles.... well I know which I prefer children to be playing with ... how about you? :)

Monday, 12 April 2010


Well something didn't go quite right there, and the video didn't show up as I thought, hmmm! all this technical stuff gets a bit beyond me at times haha! but I'll keep trying and get it on eventually 'if at first you don't succeed...etc etc'  funnily enough it worked on my twitter site!!... ah well back later :)

Hello again, I went back to this post later, and managed to get the video on ... what did I say about if at first you don't succeed lol :)

'I've Got So Much Love' by The King Blues (Great Song)

This a great feel good song, my daughter Francesca introduced me to the music of The King Blues, and it always makes us feel happy whenever we hear it and we can't help but sing along to it at the top of our voices lol! I love the way people start to smile later in the video, quite infectious - check it out and enjoy :)

Tuesday, 6 April 2010


Almost there!
Hello everyone,

As it was Easter Sunday and a fairly nice day here in England (although had been raining earlier!) I decided I needed some fresh air and exercise.  So along with my husband Ged, daughter Steph and her boyfriend Carl and our faithful staffie Zak we headed off to Great Ayton to climb Roseberry Topping, a well known tourist site aound here, and although we only live about 20 minutes drive away, we (myself and hubby Ged) have never actually been up there before, a first time for everything eh!

Now I would normally consider this a daunting task, especially as I  am spending a lot of time sitting at my laptop with the lure of social media, and as much as I love this and find it fascinating, it is also very challenging to me, regarding internet technology, not one of my strong points haha! So I  thought I need to practice what I preach  - becoming 'Healthy, Wealthy and Wise' - focusing here on the 'Healthy' bit.  As all the new internet 'stuff' I am learning is certainly exercising my mind and brain, I realised, as I looked at the pictures I am adding here and there, what about the rest of me!!! so metaphorically speaking, if I can face the challenges of the internet, then I can climb any mountain...well a very large hill anyway!  and guess what ... I did it slowly and surely and very muddily ...mission accomplished,  as the pictures will show (if I can manage to upload them from my phone!!)

This was a very enjoyable and invigorating day spent with my family, and as I reflected on the day (especially as we approached and the air ambulance was just arriving, didn't find out why and hopefully no-one was seriously hurt) I felt like I had accomplished much, not just the physical challenge, but I felt like all my senses had been heightened and I felt really grateful and happy about my life and the plans I have :) it's great to work hard for yourself to achieve you goals and dreams, but it's also important to take time out and 'stop and smell the roses ...'

Hope everyone else had time to enjoy with their friends and family over the Easter break:)

I look forward to posting more articles during which I aim to inform, educate, empower and entertain - it's good to laugh :0

Monday, 5 April 2010

I hate being told what to do !!

I was just wondering 'why have I not read Kim Kiyosaki's book yet as we have a valid and valuable shared interest 'we hate being told what to do haha!' I have read many of her husband Roberts' books which have influenced me greatly, but now I feel that I owe it to myself as a fellow female entrepreneur to be greatly influenced by Kim !! so ... I shall do this and report back later, no doubt with some interesting and illuminating comments :)

Sunday, 4 April 2010

A little inspirational poem

Hi everyone I made up this little poem of all these meaningful words see what you think !! my daughter is learning to play the ukelele, maybe she can make it into a song for me haha!



If your lives’ are full of stress
Then here’s my chance to impress
These are all words that mean a lot to me
How I act upon them, will enable me to live joyously
And to give freely and generously

So if I have your ATTENTION
Let my tell you about my VISION, MISSION and INTENTION
My dreams are driven by my PASSION
I’m filling my life with INSPIRATION and MOTIVATION
Most importantly, now that I’ve taken the ACTION
The life I choose by Design will be Mine
So make a DECISION to get out of CONFUSION and FRUSTRATION
And change your SITUATION.

Thursday, 1 April 2010

Great Video 'Earth Hour'

Hi everyone I fould this great video from a fellow follower on twitter called 'Earth Hour' it's about many countries across the world turning of all their unneeded lights for one hour to give an inspiring message - check it out and see what you think, I loved it, lovely song too! :)

Saturday, 27 February 2010


Just watched this inspirational video (from Kellie Hosaka's site) which has a profound message and which had me in tears :( check it out and see for yourself !!

Thursday, 25 February 2010

Inspirational video clip from 'Rocky'

Hopefully below should be a short video clip from the ROCKY film, I got this from TomBoyuka.com website - I found this very moving and inspirational, I'm sure many people can relate to this in some way - check it out and see what you think :)

Monday, 22 February 2010

Beautiful Picture

Hey isn't this a beautiful picture? I can't remember which site I got it from off the internet, so unfortunately can't acknowledge where its from ! but I think the author's name is actually on the picture. I love the mythology associated with dragonflies and lotus flowers, which is why this picture appealed to me - enjoy :)

Isn't Music Great !!

Isn't music great? it unites people, it affects our moods, be they happy, sad or whatever. It evokes our memories and sets the scene for many occasions. What would the world be like without music... I can't imagine! I have just been watching the 'universe' video below, and it has some related videos which have equally beautiful music and messages - why not check them out and see how it makes you feel :)

Sunday, 21 February 2010

2nd attempt to get video as described in last post !!

oops last post didn't quite work lets see if this does !

Retweet from Kellie Hosaka - Beatiful video about the universe

Hi everyone,

Ive been neglecting this site and spending lots of time on twitter, where I have met many new people with lots of interesting, fascinating and inspiring things to say and show. I hope to have 'my story/about me' on here soon (I know I've been saying that for a while, and I am working on my time management haha!) ;) In the meantime here is a beautiful, thought-provoking video which I have retweeted and copied from Kellie Hosaka's site (which is a great site - check it out !!) I think it has a very deep and philosophical message - hope you like it - I do :)

Are You Ready To Fly? Then Listen To The Universe, Listen & Grow, Shine Your Light.enjoy Synchronicities video..http://bit.ly/9jac29 4:18 AM Feb 18th from bit.ly Retweeted by you

Friday, 29 January 2010

The Seven principles of Huna (Ancient Hawaiian wisdom)

Just found this really inspirational video from Katie Freilling's website - I really like it and just wanted to share - enjoy !

Thursday, 21 January 2010

Playing For Change: Peace Through Music

Just thought I would share this great video with everyone, which I have just been shown by a new follower (ItsCindy) on twitter.
Its a real feel good music video, watch it and see for yourself I'm sure you will agree.

I love it!

Sunday, 17 January 2010

* Words of Wisdom *

Whilst I'm trying to get some relevant details about myself together, (it's a work in progress at the moment) I thought I would share some 'words of wisdom/golden nuggets' that I come across which I like. I love inspirational/philosophical quotes or statements, and whilst reading, 'Why We Want You To Be Rich' by Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki, Donald Trump mentioned that he liked the following two quotes:-

"What lies behind us and what lies before us, are tiny matters
compared to what lies within us" ..... Ralph Waldo Emmerson

"The mind that opens up to a new idea never comes back to its
original size" ..... Albert Einstein

Thought provoking, don't you think?

Sunday, 10 January 2010

Happy New Year - Everyone

Hello and welcome to my blog and Happy New Year (2010) to everyone :)

I usually have lots to say (as everyone who knows me will agree haha!) but as I have only just set up this blog, I will keep this welcome message short and sweet with the promise of lots more interesting details about myself to come .......